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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government


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Deposit Rates

Rates effective as of 03/13/2025Interest RateAnnual Percentage Yield
Savings .05 .05
Christmas Club .05 .05
Preferred Checking .01 .01
Direct Checking .01 .01
Now Checking .01 .01
Super Now Checking .01 .01
IMMA $0-$9,999.99 .10 .10
IMMA $10,000-$24,999.99 .15 .15
IMMA $25,000-$99,999.99 .20 .20
IMMA $100,000-$249,99.99 .35 .35
IMMA $250,000 and Above .50 .50

CD Rates

Rates effective as of 03/13/2025Interest RateAnnual Percentage Yield
3 Month CD 1.75 1.76
5 Month CD Special 4.25 4.30
6 Month CD 2.05 2.06
1 Year CD 2.25 2.25
15 Month CD Special 4.10 4.10
1.5 Year CD 2.30 2.30
2 Year CD 2.35 2.35
2.5 Year CD 2.40 2.40
3 Year CD 2.75 2.75
44 Month CD Special 4.00 4.00
4 Year CD 2.80 2.80
5 Year CD 3.00 3.00

IRA Rates

Rates effective as of 03/13/2025Interest RateAnnual Percentage Yield
IRA- Variable 1.25 1.26
IRA- 1 Year 2.25 2.27
IRA- 1.5 Year 2.30 2.32
IRA- 2 Year 2.35 2.37
IRA- 3 Year 2.75 2.78

Rates are determined by the bank and are subject to change daily.

  • Please contact an employee for further information about applicable fees and terms. Fees may reduce earnings. A substantial interest penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal of all time deposits.
  • The minimum deposit to earn the stated APY for non-term accounts is $.01.
  • The minimum opening deposit for special term CD's is $1,000 and $500 for all other CD's.
  • Renewable and Non-Renewable CD’s are available.
  • CD Specials will renew at the next shortest standard term rate.
  • Variable rates may change after account is opened.


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